About Us
We are family!

Our parish is a local faith community in the Avon Valley who believe in Jesus Christ and who are members of the Universal / Global / Worldwide (Catholic) Church. Born to eternal life through Baptism, enlightened by the Word of God, and healed, nourished and strengthened by prayer and the Sacraments, we grow as a Church community in our faith, hope and love for Jesus Christ, and we live our lives in obedience to the will of God. Sharing in the Church's mission, we are called to worship God, to love one another, to care for the poor, and to invite everyone to personally encounter the love and mercy of God through his Son, Jesus Christ.
The patron of our parish is Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. We believe that Joseph was chosen for a most vital role in protector and provider of the divine Saviour and the Blessed Virgin Mary in whom God chose to become man.
Traditionally St Joseph has been given many titles over the years, including Terror of Demons. His paternal leadership and care for the Holy Family shews away the demonic and anything evil.
We look to St Joseph as an example of Christian discipleship and model of a life in fidelity to God and to others.