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Thanksgiving Dinner
You are warmly invited!
As way of showing our appreciation to you all in Baker's Hill, Bindoon Ag, Cunderdin, Jennacubbine, Northam, Tammin, Toodyay and Wundowie, Fr Konrad and I would like to invite you to a thanksgiving dinner at the Northam Parish Hall on Saturday, the 20th of November 2021 at 6:30pm.
For catering purposes, and to offset some of the costs, we ask that you please purchase a ticket to the event.
$5 per person
$10 per family (Husband and wife, and children)
What's included in your ticket:
BBQ Dinner
Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks
Ice Cream; and
great cheer!
Please bring your ticket with you for entry.
Please do attend, as Fr Konrad and I would like to say a few words of appreciation to you all.
~ Fr George James, Parish Priest

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